Bad plastic
Something about bad plastic.
Awareness of the negative effects of plastic on human health and the environment.
Development and maintenance of a website with informations in this area and workshops.
The Association of Senior Citizens’ Initiative, from Braila (in the ERASMUS project and Useful-Usable-Dispensable project)
We are drowning in plastic.
We are drowning in plastic.
People’s consumption behavior has a major impact on the environment: it is estimated that on the Earth’s oceans, more then 5 trillion of plastic pieces are floating and weighs around 268,940 tones. We are drinking our milkshake with peacefull on a terrace, without knowing that the data provided by major manufacturers of plastic straws, follows that more than 500 millions pieces are used daily only in the United States. To create awareness about the negative effects of plastic on human health and the environment, we started Bad Plastic campaign.One of the strategies of civilizing the drivers is represented by the fines. According to art. 57 point 3 from Traffic Code, a vehicle which is entering on an intersection is prohibited if this occurs blocking the crossroad.
We want to show that changing can occur with each of us, through responsible consumption and conscious choices. Project blog contains articles with studies and current datas about plastic issues and also examples of good practice in the food industry and in everyday life. In 2016, Dan Patzelt, President of ADU, has facilitated two workshops about the plastics issue in the living environment at the invitation of The Association of Senior Citizens’ Initiative from Braila.